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Internet Native Company

Internet Native Company

Internet Native Company (INC): for-profit organisation that is created, operated and governed onchain.
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Making companies first class citizens of the internet economy

In this canon, we proposed an updated version of the joint stock company with INCs, explained why they matter and how they differ from DAOs. We also discussed how they should be governed and operated as well as the universal labour and capital markets INCs will foster.
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Universal Labour Market

Labour laws haven’t evolved to reflect the way we work — they were originally written for manual and tedious work during the Industrial Revolution. Now that majority of work is digital, location doesn’t matter much beyond time zones — these laws are archaic. Changing them is both complex and paramount for a prosperous and equal world.
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Operating an INC

In this article, we’ll cover why blockchains are superior financial rails than the tradition banking system before jumping into how to operate an business onchain.
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Universal Capital Market

We briefly discussed universal capital markets prior but decided it warranted a longer post.
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Collaboration at scale

Global & Wicked problems require collaboration at a scale never seen before. What tools do we have to collaborate & how should we use them
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INC Governance & the Principal-Agent Problem

Governing INCs: solving the principle agent problem with code
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Onchain companies: from DAOs to INCs

INCs are more efficient, agile and decisive than consensus-based DAOs, they are better adapted to on-chain companies.
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Internet Native Companies: Uploading Business to Web3

Internet Native Companies: Uploading Business to Web3